The Skylight is Like Sunshine

Interior Design by Huang Chun-Chi

The Skylight is Like Sunshine is a unique interior design project that transforms an old building into a modern and spacious residence. With a focus on optimizing natural light and enhancing mobility, this design showcases the ingenuity of Huang Chun-Chi.

The original design of the building was narrow and long, posing challenges for planning. However, Huang Chun-Chi cleverly enlarged the patio in the middle section, creating a three-way glass door that allows free access to the staff. This not only improves the building's functionality but also provides a more comfortable environment. The abundant natural light from the upper floor filters through the safety grille, eliminating the darkness and seclusion of the corridor and creating an attractive view.

What sets The Skylight is Like Sunshine apart is its emphasis on foundation works and the renewal of pipelines, exterior doors, and windows. By addressing these essential elements, the quality and lifespan of the residence are greatly enhanced. Additionally, the installation of additional elevators optimizes mobility for the elderly, ensuring convenience and accessibility. The introduction of natural light through the atrium cleverly solves the problem of poor lighting in the long house, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere.

The realization of this design involved meticulous invisible foundation work, including ground leveling, exterior door and window replacement, waterproofing of external walls, and complete pipe replacement. The selection of materials was also carefully considered, with a focus on high-quality eco-friendly options. Indoor humidity-regulating and dust-free clay, heat-insulating wood wool cement board, and PVC floor tiles were chosen to beautify the ceilings, floors, and walls, laying a solid foundation for a modern and age-friendly house.

The Skylight is Like Sunshine spans a space of 210 square meters, providing ample room for comfortable living. The reconfiguration of the layout and lines addresses the fragmented and deformed nature of the original design, creating a sense of spaciousness and flow. The lower floor is divided into public and private areas, while the upper floor features a terrace garden and additional bedrooms and recreation rooms. This arrangement creates a visual flow in both parallel and vertical directions, enhancing the overall sense of space.

The project was completed in October 2021 in Taoyuan City, Taiwan. Huang Chun-Chi's research and attention to detail are evident in every aspect of the design. The harmonious color palette of gray and white, along with the use of natural materials, contributes to the spacious and bright ambiance of the multi-functional lounge. The addition of an elevator required careful assessment of structural load bearing and reinforcement steps, highlighting the designer's commitment to safety and functionality.

The Skylight is Like Sunshine is a testament to the transformative power of design. By addressing the challenges of an old building and incorporating innovative solutions, Huang Chun-Chi has created a modern and inviting space that prioritizes natural light and mobility. This design is a deserving recipient of the Iron A' Design Award in 2023, recognizing its practicality, innovation, and contribution to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Huang Chun-Chi
Image Credits: SAMMI DESIGN
Project Team Members: Huang Chun-Chi
Project Name: The Skylight is Like Sunshine
Project Client: Huang Chun-Chi

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The Skylight is Like Sunshine IMG #5

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